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Articles MARIA TANGEmbroiled Mediums: George Eliot and Environment; or, the Ecologies of MiddlemarchMICHAEL HOLLINGTON“Middleness” in Middlemarch JOHN RIGNALL“Such cognizance of men and things”: Glimpses of Life and Work in the Margins of George Eliot’s Fiction NANCY HENRYGeorge Eliot and Jonathan Swift ALAIN JUMEAUThe Angel and the Demon in George Eliot’s The Mill on the FlossSTÉPHANIE DROUET-RICHETQuestioning Motherhood: Figures of Domesticity and Emancipation in George Eliot’s Fiction WILLIAM BAKERGeorge Eliot, Bessie Rayner Parkes, Sarah Marks and Barbara Bodichon: New George Eliot Letters Comptes rendus