Prix public : 31,00 €
ARTICLESDeborah C. BOWEN : Preface: Constructing the Past, Re-viewing the Present Laurence PETIT : “Due Influence”: Anita Brookner’s Legacy. An Introduction Eileen WILLIAMS-WANQUET : Intertextuality as Subversive Moral Metacomment in the Novels of Anita Brookner Margaret D. STETZ : Anita Brookner and the Servants: Power Struggles and British Jewish Domestic Spaces in her Early Fiction Clara TUITE : Anita Brookner: Necromantic Manini NAYAR : The Gloved Fist: Confirmations, Subversions, and Leave-Taking in Anita Brookner’s Strangers Laurence PETIT : Framing Terror: Illness and Art in Anita Brookner’s Look at MeREGARDS CROISÉSVanessa GUIGNERY : Anita Brookner and Julian Barnes: Paths Crossing Anne-Laure FORTIN-TOURNÈS : Misreading Anita Brookner VariaJULIE VATAIN-CORFDIR : Derrière l’écran, la scène. The Flick ou le manifeste théâtral d’Annie Baker