Editions Edilivre
Date de publication
27 juillet 2016
Collection Classique
Nombre de pages
24 x 17 x 0,3 cm
142 g

My Early Years Of Teaching

Boucif Khaldi

Editions Edilivre

Prix public : 21,00 €

« Many years ago, when I was still a teen-ager, I thought about my future and wondered what to do or what to be. First, the sea attracted me so much and I wanted to be a fisherman like my father who I cherished very much. May he rest in peace. He was a captain of a trawler and I liked his job. My father was a tall thin man with a thick moustache, his friends used to call him «bigoté»; moustache in spanish. He grew in a rural aera, called Camérata in close proximity to the sea near Munoz's farm, a settler from Spain. He's got very vast vineyard and wheat fields. So, all the people of the village gather the grapes in summer to get some money to buy things from the town, Béni Saf which is ten kilometres far. Father didn't go to school but he was inscribed at the mosque of the village where he learnt some verses of the holy book: The Coran. It was compulsory for all the kids of the rural community till the age of 17 then, they can stop and look for a job and then get married. It was the every day life in this time. In the thirties, the countryside, Sidi Djelloul now, was calm and grandfather who was a miner had some sheep bred by my father and his brother till the beginning of the second world war. Times have changed, there were soldiers everywhere. »
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