Editions Edilivre
Date de publication
10 mars 2017
Collection Classique
Nombre de pages
20,4 x 13,4 x 0,8 cm
199 g

When God Steps In Devil Steps Out, A Book That Empowers You, And Establishes Your Dominion In God. The Supremacy Of Our God.

Sylvestre A. Harryson

Editions Edilivre

Prix public : 19,50 €

It is quite impossible to serve two masters at the same time, or you either hate one or love one; as light and darkness cannot cohabit; for the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. [ John 1:5 ]. Anytime light comes in darkness goes out. And the prophet was very clear; «Two people can never walk together, except they agree». Amos 3:3. Simply because they don’t have the same vision. Little wonder, Jesus said: «The thief [devil] cometh not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; I am [Jesus] come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.» John 10:10 (b) This insightful book unveils to you the importance of Jesus in all the ramifications of your life, and practically shows you how it takes only God to win all the battles of your life. This book therefore empowers you, and establishes your dominion in God over the devil. Remember, when God steps in devil steps out.
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