Prix public : 49,00 €
<p>Cheryl CORDEIRO, Petter OLSEN, "Blockchain-based traceability system adoption in the wine global value chain. A unified theory of acceptance and use of technology framework of analysis, the example of the Chinese market for Bordeaux wine"<br></br> Abdelmajid AMINE, Shérazade GATFAOUI, "The evolving status of trust in the relationship between vulnerable customers and banks. A longitudinal study"<br></br> Camal GALLOUJ, "From industrialization to servitization in agriculture. Consequences for sustainable development"<br></br> Christine LIEFOOGHE, Yoko TANIGUCHI, "E-gouvernement et Web 2.0, ou comment le numérique redéfinit l'intermédiation entre l'État, les citoyens et les territoires"<br></br> Mathias WAELLI, Lohyd TERRIER, Étienne MINVIELLE, "Customizing care pathways... yes, but how? Contribution of hospitality management to healthcare organizations"<br></br> Faridah DJELLAL, Camal GALLOUJ, "International investment and divestment of European grocery retailers in developing countries. The case of Carrefour in Algeria"</p>