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<p>Philippe Batifoulier, Nicolas Da Silva, Samira Guennif, "Introduction to the special issue. Is a healthcare service just another product?"Philippe Batifoulier, Victor Duchesne, Ariane Ghirardello, "The health insurance business model between product standardisation and service differentiation"Nicolas Da Silva, "When the history of economic thought meets the history of medical epistemology. A return to the 1960s?"Laura Alles, "The US's for-profit hospital sector concentration. Evaluating its roots via neoclassical and political economy theoretical frameworks"Samira Guennif, "Pharmaceutical life cycle management and access to medicine in times of COVID-19 pandemic"Fabien Hildwein, "Institutional ethnography as a critical methodology for care organizations"Camal Gallouj, Naïla Gallouj, Florence Rodhain, "Hospital and retailing. From retailing in hospitals to hospitals in retailing"</p>