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J.-C. Margolin, "Introduction"; J. Tedeschi, "A new Perspective on the Roman Inquisition"; P. Grendler, "Intellectual Freedom in Italian Universities: The Controversy over the Immortality of the Soul"; L. Valcke, "La condamnation de Jean Pic de La Mirandole. Réévaluation des enjeux"; J.K. Farge, "Early Censorship of Printed Books in Paris: New Perspectives and Insights"; F. Higman, "Luther, Calvin et les docteurs"; J.-F. Gilmont, "La place de la polémique dans l'oeuvre écrite de Calvin"; P. G. Bietenholz, "The Index of Rome and the dilemmas of Catholic Reformers in Southern Germany"; J.M. De Bujanda, "L'exercice de la censure de l'Inquisition portugaise au XVIe siècle".