Prix public : 100,00 €
The organising and technical committees welcome the participants to the 2nd international conference on "Benefiting from Thermal and Mechanical Simulation in (Micro-) Electronics" (EuroSimE 2001) at Maison de la Chimie, Paris, France. The conference is organised by the thematic network COMPETE ( with major financial sponsoring by the EC, and technical co-sponsoring by IEEE CPMT and IUTAM. As the only international conference specially dedicated to various mechanical and thermal issues in (micro-) electronics, EuroSimE2001 aims to: - emphasis the fact that (micro-)electronics is becoming a major driven force and impulse for the further development of mechanics, - draw attention from both academic societies and electronic industry for the significant impact of thermal and mechanical related issues on both the electronic industry and modern human life, - demonstrate the state-of-the-art competencies and the challenges facing mechanics professionals, - promote further research and development for mechanics of (micro-) electronics, - promote further development and application of simulation & optimisation methodologies and tools for the electronics industry,