Europia productions
Date de publication
1 avril 2008
Art / Art média
Nombre de pages
25 x 21 x 2 cm
846 g

Computer Art Congress [Cac.2], Emerging Forms Of Computer Art: Making The Digital Sense

Khaldoun Zreik, Everardo Reyes García

Europia productions

Prix public : 50,00 €

The first Computer Art Congress (Paris, 2002) considered that the origins of Computer Art (CA) are to be found in the fields of Art and Sciences. This unusual duality has greatly delayed its recognition among cultural spheres. Nowadays, we witness an enlargement of Computer Art boundaries mainly led by its unusual development. The increasing interest of artists to work and experiment with capabilities of digital technologies is coupled with the motivation of scientists to observe these new forms. Concepts such as time, space and interactivity, to mention just some cases, are constantly re-contextualized from the point of view of different disciplines but also from the moment they constitute an expression element to achieve a digital artwork. In that manner, Computer Art implies to rethink about processes that endeavor to make sense of emerging forms of computer art. Distance between Art and Science has narrowed to the point that CA looks to be quite an independent and autonomous field starving to reach its maturity. From this perspective, CA cannot evolve separately from the information technology (IT) development strategy. Today, along with digital content production, which is in some measure produced accordingly to collective intelligence schemes, we also observe emerging forms of CA that strive to develop new ways to interact with digital content, new artifacts that suggest digital content and new paradigms that aim to make sense of CA. We believe that several questions need to be posed and analyzed: Does CA have its own identity? If yes, what about it? Does CA belong to the Art universe? If yes, how to situate it? Does CA belong to the digital universe? If yes, how to situate it? Among several manifestations on digital art, from exhibitions to scientific publications, the Computer Art Congress aims to be a common forum for exchange between Artists, Researchers, and Technologists involved in this artistic area. The topics of the congress were chosen to establish a multidisciplinary environment for participants from several backgrounds, to discuss how computer/media/network art can take its own place in the art. For this edition, CAC has chosen Mexico to call administrators, artists, authors, creators, distributors, instructors, inventors, managers, producers, researchers and technologists, concerned by those emerging artistic and technological forms, contributing, collaborating and exchanging their artworks, experiences, know-how, knowledge and visions on the digital sense. Khaldoun Zreik, Everardo Reyes García
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