Date de publication
19 septembre 2010
Nombre de pages
18,3 x 11,4 x 1,2 cm
180 g

The Soul Sings, Songs To The Sweet Divine Mother

Shuddhananda Bharati


Prix public : 13,00 €

The Soul singsThe world knows him as a poet, sage, Yogi, patriot, universalist and a spiritual socialist. His soul sings in these songs. He realized God by intuitive fervour in his fifth year and bloomed into a seer-poet. Purnananda, Jnana Siddha, Sai Baba, Siddharuda, Ramana Maharishi and Sri Aurobindo; Tagore, Gandhiji, Tilak and V. V. S. Ayyar influenced his life and muse. By a self-gathered silence and tenth-plane trance of twenty-five years, the Yogi attained Godhood and directed his Cosmic Energy towards the inner- awakening of humanity. He wrote books in Tamil, English, Hindi, Telugu, French and Sanskrit. The Bharata Shakti (The Epic of Supermen) works out his great ideal of One Humanity living in communion with One God in one transformed world under the canopy of heaven. He travelled all over the world with this ideal of Spiritual Socialism. His Yoga Samaj is a calm and pure centre of Sama Yoga. He offers the fruit of his labour to God in humanity and is free like the wind unattached to material things. May all live in the joy and peace of Sama Yoga.Kavi Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati spent all his life in inner communion and song-offering. The Soul sings is a collection of his songs sparked out of his deep divine intuition.These songs have the power to awaken the divinity in your heart; sing or read them with faith and fervour and you will have peace, bliss, light and energy.With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti.Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget
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