Date de publication
1 octobre 2014
Nombre de pages
28,2 x 20,2 x 0,8 cm
286 g

Manuel Chinois Oral, Niveau Avancé 1, Qr Code Pour Fichier Audio Gratuit (3Ème Édition)

Xuemei Ren, Shunian Jin


Prix public : 14,00 €

高级汉语口语 Advanced spoken Chinese 1 : 这是一套经典汉语口语教材,自1996年出版以来,收到国内外汉语学习者和汉语教师的广泛好评,先后两次改版,数十次印刷,至今畅销不衰。 本套教材分初、中、高三个级别,共9册。每课分为课文、注释、语言点和练习等部分。每三至五课为一个单位,每单元附口语常用于、口语知识或交际文化知识等。 其主要特点是: 1. 与日常生活紧密结合,学以致用; 2. 语言点解释简单明了,通俗易懂; 3.练习注重结构与交际,丰富实用。 本套教材每个级别可供常规汉语进修生或本科生一学年之用,或供短期生根据实际水平及课时灵活选用。 第三版主要针对以下内容进行修订: 1.对课文、例句及练习中过时的内容做了修改和替换,使之更具时代感; 2.对少量语言点及解释做了调整和梳理,使之更加严谨,便于教学; 3.对部分练习做了增删,使之更具有针对性和实用性。 This spoken Chinese series can be considered a classic. It has been well received by the Chinese learners as well as teachers. Two revised editions and dozens of reprints have been produced since its first publication in 1996. This series has nine volumes in three levels : elementary, intermediate and advanced. Each lesson consists of texts, notes, language points and exercises, etc. Three to five lessons are grouped into a unit, at the last part of which useful oral expressions, tips or cultural notes are presented. The main features are as follows: 1. Carefully selected learning materials applicable in daily communication; 2. Explicit and easy-to-understand explanations on the language points; 3. Structure-based, communication-centered and application-oriented exercises are presented diversely. Each level of the series is designed for students in a conventional Chinese language program or an undergraduate Chinese program to use for a school year. For stiudents in short-term programs, teachers may use the materials flexibly based on their level and class period. Major revisions in this edition: 1. Outdated contents on the texts, examples and exercises are revised or replaced; 2. Explanations on the language points are further improved; 3. Some exercises are deleted or added for being more pertinent and practical.
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