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汉语风”是一套大型中文分级系列读物,共8级60余册。读者对象为中文水平由初级到高级的中学生和大中学生。丛书第1版出版以来深受学习者欢迎,受到学界认可,取得了很好的社会效益和经济效益,已出版17本,累计印次94次,印数224424册。近两年,市场反映装帧不够精美,第2版除了内容上做适当修订,重新设计封面和版式,改四色印刷,光盘改为二维码。 刘月华、储诚志主编的这本《出事以后》为第2级第6册,根据作家原创故事改编。讲述了一个冬天的晚上,女老师在路上骑着自行车,她要回家,却突然倒在了一辆汽车前面。开车的人马上停车,把女老师送到了附近的医院,给女老师挂号看病。 “病人叫什么名字?”“她怎么了?”“你是她的家人吧?”……护士有很多问题,可是开车的人什么也不回答,很快就走了。 …… 但是,最后女老师还是找到了他。 One winter night, a teacher was on her way home. Suddenly she fell down from her bicycle in front of a car. The driver stopped his car right away and brought the teacher to a hospital nearby. "The patient's name, please ?" "What's the problem ?" "Are you her relative?" ... The nurse asked quite a few questions. But the driver answered nothing. He then quickly disappeared. In the end, howeveer, the teacher still saw the driver.