Prix public : 14,00 €
The story primarily follows the life of Dicky Perrott, a young boy born into the Jago, a place marked by poverty, crime, and despair. Dicky's upbringing is harsh and devoid of opportunities for improvement. He is exposed to violence, criminal activities, and a hostile environment from a very young age. Despite his difficult circumstances, Dicky possesses a glimmer of humanity and innocence. The novel portrays his struggles to survive and make sense of the harsh world he inhabits. Along the way, Dicky encounters a range of characters, some kind-hearted and others ruthlessly exploitative. The narrative delves into the daily lives of the residents of the Jago, depicting the cycles of poverty, crime, and despair that grip the community. The Jago's inhabitants are trapped in a seemingly inescapable cycle of violence and degradation.