Date de publication
27 septembre 2023
Nombre de pages
21 x 14,8 x 0,6 cm
152 g

The Young Emigrants

Susan Anne Livingston Ridley Sedgwick


Prix public : 14,00 €

"The Young Emigrants" by Susan Anne Livingston Ridley Sedgwick is a captivating novel that tells the story of a group of young friends who embark on a journey to a new land filled with both promise and challenges. Here is a summary of this historical novel: The novel is set in the early 19th century, a time when many people were leaving their homes in Europe to seek a better life in the United States. Among them are a group of young emigrants from various backgrounds who have forged strong friendships in their homeland. They decide to leave their families behind and make the daring voyage to America together. As they embark on their journey, the young emigrants face the hardships of sea travel, including stormy weather, cramped quarters, and seasickness. However, their determination and friendship help them persevere through these difficulties. Upon arriving in America, the group faces a new set of challenges as they strive to build new lives in a foreign land. They must find work, secure shelter, and adapt to the American way of life. Along the way, they encounter both kind-hearted individuals who offer them assistance and unscrupulous characters who seek to take advantage of their vulnerability. Throughout the novel, the young emigrants learn valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of supporting one another. Their bonds of friendship are tested as they navigate the complexities of their new lives in America. "The Young Emigrants" is a tale of adventure, friendship, and the pursuit of the American dream. It provides readers with a glimpse into the challenges faced by immigrants during this period in history and celebrates the human spirit's capacity to overcome adversity. The novel serves as a reminder of the courage and determination exhibited by those who sought a brighter future in a new and unfamiliar land.
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