Prix public : 12,00 €
"André" by William Dunlap is a compelling historical drama that unfolds against the backdrop of the American Revolutionary War. Set during the British occupation of Philadelphia in 1778, the play revolves around the true story of Major John André, a British officer who becomes entangled in a plot to betray the American cause. As André navigates the complex political and moral landscape of war-torn America, he grapples with questions of loyalty, honor, and personal conscience. Through vivid characters and dramatic dialogue, Dunlap brings to life the human drama behind one of the most notorious incidents of the Revolutionary War. "André" is a poignant exploration of the personal and political conflicts that shaped the destiny of a nation, offering audiences a thought-provoking reflection on the complexities of history and human nature. With its compelling narrative and timeless themes, Dunlap's play continues to resonate with audiences, reminding us of the enduring legacy of the American Revolution and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom.