Date de publication
12 décembre 2013
Tales of Amazonia
Nombre de pages
21,6 x 21,6 x 0,4 cm
230 g
Langue originale

1, Tales Of Amazonia

Patrick Agot


Prix public : 15,00 €

THE PORCUPINE AND THE AGOUTI PACAS A porcupine was seeking shelter for the night. He knocked at the entrance to the burrow of an agouti paca family. “Paca! Can I stay with you for the night? “I reside here with a large family,” the eldest paca said. “Three generations of us live here, peacefully, each family occupying one part of the huge space that is our home. If you wish to live amongst us, you are welcome in our burrow.” They showed him round the property and introduced him to every member of the family. “We share everything here and live as brothers,” said the paca. “Our main occupation is unearthing roots and stuffing ourselves with seeds and fruits. While some of us are enjoying food, others keep watch and warn the group of the slightest danger. For the rest of the day we enjoy everything the creek has to offer, with our neighbor, the capybara.” “Oh I won’t be any trouble,” the porcupine said. “I’m discrete by nature and can make do with anything.” They began their meal. The porcupine praised the exquisiteness of the different dishes and congratulated the cooks. Then the eldest paca suggested that they move to the living room for after-dinner drinks. And it was at that moment that, as he stood up, the porcupine stuck his quills into a baby paca’s paw. “Careful now,” said the mother paca
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