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- Droit
- Droit International
71 résultats
pour « eschbach or diable ».
Le sens des libertés économiques de circulation, The sens of economic freedoms of movement
Bernard Remiche
Bruylant Edition
96,00 €
mythologies de l'écriture champs cr., études
Jean Bessière
Presses universitaires de France
26,29 €
The Protection of Persons Fleeing Situation of.., La protection de personnes fuyant un conflit armé et...
Matthew Happold, Maria Pichou
77,00 €
Legal, political and diplomatic implications in the elaboration of an international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights, INSTRUMENT ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND BUSIN...
Luis Espinosa Salas
Schulthess Éditions Romandes
78,00 €
Rapports belges au congrès de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé à Vienne, The Belgian reports at the Congress of Vienna of the International academy of comparative law...
Yves-Henri Leleu
Bruylant Edition
107,00 €
Renvoi préjudiciel et marge d'appréciation du juge national, Preliminary ruling procedure and margin of appreciation of the national judge
Vassilios Skouris
109,00 €
The Rule of law and Good Administration of Justice in the Digital Era - L'État de droit et la bonne
125,00 €
Reform of Chinese State-Owned Enterprises, What China Can Learn from the Practice of Competitive Neutrality Policy in Australia
Bai Xue
85,00 €