Date de parution
- Tous rayons
- Histoire
- Histoire De L'Entre-Deux Guerres (1919-1939)
12 résultats
pour « spain jo last disappear ».
Le pain d'étoiles, Giono au contadour
Alfred Campozet
20,00 €
Pour du pain Za chlebem !
Hania Raczak
Nord Avril
26,00 €
Converging Pathways- Itinerarios Cruzados, Spain and the European Integration Process- España y el proceso de construcción europ
Cristina Blanco-Sío Lopez
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
67,00 €
Cross-Border Cooperation Structures in Europe, Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future
Luis Dominguez Castro
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
51,70 €
Austerity and the Implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy in Spain, Re-shaping the European Productive and Social Model: a Reflexion from the South
Javier Ramos
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
55,20 €
Historia, memoria e integración europea desde el punto de vista de las relaciones transatlánticas de
Jesús Baigorri
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
57,55 €
How to Address the Loss? Forced Migrations, Lost Territories and the Politics of History, A Comparative Approach in Europe and at its Margins in the XXth Century
Anne Bazin, Catherine Perron
Peter Lang
44,70 €
A Guerra Civil Espanhola, Os 1000 dias de luta fratricida, berço do regime ditatorial de Franco
Hadrien Nafilyan
9,99 €